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Filipino martial arts are know by several diffent names including Arnis, Escrima (or Eskrima), and Kali.
Adults Classes
Juniors and Family Class (ages 10+)

The main adult program at Hidden Sword Martial Arts is based on Filipino Martial Arts.   Our FMA program is now called Arnis X. It is a blended curriculum based on several Filipino Martial Arts that SM Lynn is ranked in. 


Our FMA program started out as a blended system based on Modern Arnis and Kombaton Arnis, both systems were created by two brothers GM Remy and GM Ernesto Presas. We called our system Presas Arnis which SM Lynn started officially teaching in 2010.


Starting in 2017 SM Lynn started training privately in MiraRada Escrima under GM Art MiraRaflor. In 2018 SM Lynn reconnected with GAT Puno Abon Garimot Baet and started training in Garimot Arnis Training (GAT)  Naturally SM Lynn started adding the new material in his classes so the name was changed in 2022 to better reflect what was being taught since we were moving away from the purer blend of Presas Arnis.


The  Arnis X program covers instruction in weapons training, and unarmed training.  Students learn double stick, single stick and empty hand in beginner through intermediate levels.  In advanced training edged weapons, stick and knife, and staff are covered.  Using a teaching method we call compound learning the student learns to translate drills between different weapons and empty hands to speed up and enhance the learning process.


Currently (since 2022) we have been spending a lot of time in the Garimot system since SM Lynn and several of our students have decided to earn rank in Garimot Arnis




American Karate

Tues / Thurs PM

4:45-5:25 pm Young Beginners

5:30-6:25 pm Beginners/Intermediate

6:30-7:25 pm Intermediate/Advanced

7:30-8:30 pm Advanced Teens/Adults


Filipino Martial Arts

Mon / Wed PM

5:30-7:00 pm Juniors/Family class

7:00-8:30 pm Adults

Tues / Thurs AM 

9:30- 10:30 am (Currently this class is not available,  please contact PG Lynn at if interested in morning time training)  


Presas Arnis and Arnis X

Saturday in the Park classes

9:00-11:00 pm  (FREE)

Due to other training opportunities (seminars, MAPA etc.) and weather, please send an email to to be put on our email list to be informed about our weekly Saturday classes. Just mention Saturday Arnis class in the subject line and you will be added to the Saturday Arnis  class list.


Generally we meet in the park beside the Roanoke Community Center, class is open to everyone 10 years and up regardless of prior training, skill, or martial arts school/style affiliation.



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501 Roanoke Rd.
Roanoke, TX 76262

Text: 682-564-7078

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© 2007 by Mark Lynn

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